Our first house and pet sitting in Mexico (Ajijic) ended earlier than expected. There are still so many things we want to do and experience, so we plan to come back very shortly.
We arrived at the end of April, the beginning of a hot season. May is considered the hottest month of the year (unlike Canada, where July and August are the hottest). June brought the rainy season for which Ajijic is famous, as it freshens everything and turns the mountains and hills into a lush, vibrant green.
Our Host
Ute is an interesting woman who has travelled the world. This time, her trip was taking her to Germany and Canada.
Her home in Los Sabinos is in a small condominium complex and contains many interesting artifacts from her trips worldwide. The house is very comfortable, with a great kitchen set up—a full-size stove and fridge with an ice maker, a wine cooler, several small appliances, ample cupboards, and counter space.
Two courtyards are filled with many beautiful plants and garden ornaments. There is a little tree that produces these small oranges. I tried finding out what the locals call them, deciding they were like a kumquat or something similar. I made marmalade, and we loved the tangy/sweet taste.
Ute has an excellent selection of books on the history of Mexico, and my husband spent many hours reading about the past and the founding cultures of what it is today.
The complex has a big swimming pool and gym, which we regularly use, as well as a hot tub and clubhouse.
The Pets: Loxzie and Milagro
Loxzie is a beautiful female cat with soft fur and blue eyes. Milagro (which means Miracle) is a male grey and white cat with big paws. They are approximately 2 years old and are rescues. Both love lots of attention, are very affectionate, and would make themselves comfortable wherever we were—the computer desk, sofas, bedrooms, and courtyards.
When they weren’t looking for attention from us, they would hunt in the backyard; we rescued bugs, geckos, and even birds from their quick paws and mouths.
Milagro especially liked to help ‘unpack’ the bags after we visited the Tuesday organic market.
Loxzie loved to play with her toys, and we would hear her chasing a ball around on the floor from one end of the hallway to the other.
They kept their distance from us on the first day but soon were eating, playing, and sleeping.
Out of all our sits, pet sitting in Mexico was fun, and we promised Ute we would return for a visit shortly.
Is pet sitting in Mexico something you would consider? Find out what it takes to become a house sitter and experience the rewards and benefits.
UPDATE: May 2024
Ute recently sold her home and belongings and moved back to Canada, which was her home for many years. She couldn’t take Loxze and Milagro, which saddened her greatly. We will continue pet sitting in Mexico because the memories we make are invaluable.

We love to travel. For our trip to Mexico, we were able to save money by house sitting, which was something completely new to us. If this is something that interests you, then check out TrustedHousesitters or HouseSitMexico (be sure and use Code thetr6210d47b7cc90 for discount). We hope you visit often.